
26. March 2021
R&D with memory-steel in the publication ‘EU-Researcher’
R&D with memory-steel in the publication ‘EU-Researcher’
Stressing the importance of new materials_memory-steel

01. February 2021
newly published papers in the area of fatigue strengthening
Two newly published papers in the area of fatigue strengthening of steel and shear strengthening of existing reinforced concrete girders
Paper_Experimental study on Fe-SMA-to-steel adhesively …

06. November 2020
Bridge strengthening in Riehen (Basel, CH) avec re-bar in sprayed mortar
A reinforced concrete bridge was renovated as part of various renovation works at the ‘Mühleteich’ in Riehen.
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31. August 2020
Reinforcement of a prestressed bridge girder
A bridge girder was locally damaged by road traffic and prestrssed strands were damaged. Within two hours the reinforcement was performed with re-plate.
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17. August 2020
Flexural and punching strengthening, Postal distribution center Zurich airport
Due to an insufficient flexural and punching reinforcement, a reinforced concrete slab had to be strengthened.
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