Bending reinforcement concrete downstand beam, Schwyz

Schwyz, Switzerland


The centre column of a concrete downstand beam was removed. To absorb the new bending moments and minimize the deformations, re-bar 16 was used. The bars were anchored in the concrete with end hooks and prestressed.


The best solution for working with static concrete-repair mortar is to roughen the concrete surface beforehand using high-pressure water jets. The concrete is properly roughened, cleaned, and pre-wetted. After the application of re-bar, spray mortar is applied. The spraying process ensures the necessary contact pressure, moisture/cement enrichment of the bond layer and good filling, even behind the bars.

No spraying equipment was to be installed on this small project. The decision was made to apply the Sika spray mortar by hand overhead. Clean working is essential for a good result!

Roughening is done by hand with a pick hammer. The concrete surface must be cleaned/sandblasted. Mortar work can also be done by hand. The following PDF provides a detailed insight: Mörtelarbeiten bei Kleinobjekten (German)

memory®-steel re-bar 16 in Sika MonoTop®-4012




re-fer / Kundenmaurer Inderbitzin

Flexural reinforcement

Engineering consultant
Bettschart Ingenieure und Planer








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