Concrete hinge reinforcement with re-bar on a bridge

Rheinfelden/Frick, Switzerland

An exciting application of memory®-steel ribbed steel arose in the upgrading project of the Schöneggweg motorway overpass between Rheinfelden and Frick.The road bridge was found to be in a generally poor condition. The structure has aged and critical points such as the roadway transitions, supports, or the concrete showed deficiencies. The initial structural system was also optimised. The main part with the largest span over the motorway was set on two supports via line tilt bearings. The secondary spans in turn rested on concrete cams of the main girder. The roadway crossings had been leaking for an unknown period of time. As a result, water containing chloride ran over onto the concrete cams and bearings. Thanks to an addition to the supports, the edge fields are now directly supported. In addition, the maintenance-intensive roadway transitions were to be eliminated.

For this purpose, the damaged roadway transitions were removed and the concrete in this area taken out hydromechanically. Together with conventional reinforcement, memory®-steel re-bars were also casted into a new layer of concrete. After cure, the formwork inserts of re-bar could be removed to heat, and hence prestress. Eventually mortar was also filled in the middle section. Thanks to re-bar prestressing, these zones are now under active compression. Even with horizontal impacts such as braking forces, no tensile stresses occur in the concrete and corresponding cracks can be avoided.

re-fer Product
re-bar 16 in mortar




FEDRO – Federal Road Authorities

Engineering consultancy
Bänziger Partner AG

re-fer AG, Hoch- und Tiefbau AG

Concrete hinge strengthening

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