Shear strengthening Hôtel Hota, Porrentruy

Porrentruy, Switzerland

An old building on the outskirts of Porrentruy’s old town is being renovated and converted into a modern hotel. Various interventions in the load-carrying structure are necessary. Large window openings and concrete ceilings with spans were required.

In one critical detail, memory®-steel re-bar 10 was used as a U-stirrup. The concrete beam to be reinforced had to be freshly grouted and retrofitted with additional shear reinforcement. High shear forces are generated in the support area. The re-bar 10 U-stirrups were therefore completely grouted in and then electrically heated and hence prestressed. The last step is to heat and bend off the end zones of the bars on the upper slab side. The robust and closed ring is completely grouted in the end.

In addition to the load-carrying safety, the prestressing also increases the serviceability. Cracks occur at a later stage, or existing cracks can be actively put under compression.

memory®-steel re-bar 10, Sika MonoTop®-4012





Diamcoupe, Peseux

Shear strengthening

Engineering consultant
Buchs & Plumey SA

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